Law Enforcement Essay Examples for Free - Page 4

Police Training in the United Kingdom

Police officers are often charged with the responsibility of ensuring that they enforce the laws of the land. Accordingly, those people who would wish to join the police force are often obligated to be holders of a given minim level of education and training. Federal and state laws often establish...

Words: 1618 Pages: 6

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Mission and Benefits

Introduction The federal bureau of investigation (FBI) is a body that operates under the umbrella of the United States Department of Justice. Its primary role is to investigate crimes that are classified as a federal crime; additionally, the FBI also functions as an intelligence agency. The FBI’s main offices are...

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Metropolitan Police: SWOT Analysis Report

Report The purpose of this report is to assess the relationships between the Metropolitan Police and community-based organizations. In particular, it is necessary to analyze the positive and negative aspects, which may contribute to or hinder effective functioning of the police force. In addition to that, it is of the...

Words: 2470 Pages: 9

Implications of Use-of-Force for the Future of Police Management

Introduction If current issues and trends that currently impinge on the use of force are anything to go by, police management in the future must likely concern itself with the comprehensive acquisition of less-lethal equipment, more (not less) racial tensions, sustained training in nonviolent self-defense/arrest, a continued influx of war...

Words: 827 Pages: 3

Immigration and Unlawful Employment in the U.S.

The following cases are to be considered from the legal perspective in terms of the legal ways to execute power on immigration legislature on both federal and state levels. The first issue is related to the question of the extent of state power when it comes to the process of...

Words: 2298 Pages: 8

Police Officer Training

It is not easy to become a good policeman in the USA nowadays. To become a real professional one must work hard and come through many tests, exercises and trainings such as firearm and physical training, fitness and drive tests, and of course, in class instructions. The last include studying...

Words: 881 Pages: 3

Noble Cause Corruption Among Law Enforcement Officials

Corruption is a rampant evil affecting all sections of society. The word corrupt is a Latin word that gave rise to the word corruption; it means spoiled, broken, or destroyed. (Hodgson and Jiang, 2007) The Concise Oxford dictionary meaning of corruption in the social context means “to bribe” and corruption...

Words: 2503 Pages: 8

Police Patrolling Methods in the United States

Introduction Policing is a vital part of all organized societies. For a society to ensure that law and order are maintained among its citizens, police must show their presence among the subjects through regular patrols. For many years, many police departments have faced a similar problem: how to organize effective...

Words: 931 Pages: 3

Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy

The kind of research design that was used for the research was quasi-experimental research design. It was used to look at three strike laws on crime in California and how effective or ineffective they are in combating crime in the country. The data mainly used was a reference to the...

Words: 393 Pages: 2

The Community Correctional Centers: Goals and Functions

Introduction Community Correction Centers as used in the United States provide a form of alternative punishment for offenders whose crimes are of a non violent nature. In the US, two forms of correctional centers models are in existence. One of the models combines the procedures of correction programs as found...

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Should Local and State Peace Officers Enforce Federal Immigration Laws?

After the terrorist attacks on 11th September 2001, considerable attention has been given to immigration laws. Some experts think that the federal government is not very well equipped in enforcing immigration laws and that the local and state law enforcement agencies should be involved in this regard. In this context,...

Words: 1730 Pages: 5

War on Polio and War on Drugs: Comparative Analysis

Introduction The term “war,” referring to a set of measures taken by the US government with regard to a specific problem, signifies their magnitude and radicality. In this sense, the War on Polio is a less known but highly illustrative example. According to Oshinsky, American officials’ policies were primarily focused...

Words: 1276 Pages: 7

Federal vs. State Judges and Their Power

The judicial system of the United States is divided into federal and state courts. Federal courts deal with the cases of federal offenses, whereas the state ones hear the cases of offenses within a state. The power of judges depends on what court they belong to, and they have different...

Words: 306 Pages: 1

The USA Patriot Act Overview and Analysis

Introduction The PATRIOT Act became federal law in October of 2001. It was quickly accepted by Congress just a month and a half following the September 11 attacks. Pressure to pass homeland security legislation prevailed over the need to understand what the 342 page Act entailed. Most Congressmen admit to...

Words: 2021 Pages: 6

Correctional System and Its Effects

Problem statement The concept of a corrections system is not new in American society, but has undergone important changes which have improved the manner in which prisoners are treated and controlled in prisons. Prison development programs of the earlier times followed the doctrines of moral instruction to control and punish...

Words: 3861 Pages: 15

The Concept of Police Corruption

Over the years, a number of scandals have shaken society with the involvement of police officers in various misconduct. Police misconduct can be characterized as inappropriate or illegal conduct by law enforcement in performance of official duties, ranging from misappropriation of force and unwarranted searches to coercion, falsification of evidence,...

Words: 1736 Pages: 6

Police Brutality against African Americans in America

Abstract The seriousness of the issue of policemen’s violence cannot be underestimated. Police brutality is only one of the manifestations of racial discrimination in the USA. The solution to this problem requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach. Education, sociology, and history are the sciences that are investigated in the...

Words: 2085 Pages: 7

Police Misconduct: Factors That Lead to the Vice

Section A The United States has been treated to periodic scandals involving gross misconduct by police officers in various law enforcement agencies which have managed to make their way into the public domain. A good example is the videotaping of police brutality in Los Angeles as policemen assaulted Rodney King....

Words: 6284 Pages: 18

The Current Policing Strategy of the New York City Police Department

Nowadays, the necessity to discard the current policing strategy of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is becoming evident both for authorities and citizens. The recent cases of tragic police misconduct saw people fleeing to the streets of New York in June. Citizens express their discontent with the current...

Words: 918 Pages: 3

Law Enforcement Agencies

Obtaining compensation for law enforcement errors is quite rare and not provided everywhere. In most criminal justice systems, it is formally possible to review or abolish wrongful convictions. However, it is often quite problematic to actually achieve this. The majority of victims are suspects of non-serious crimes since they are...

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Hollywood vs. Reality Officer Involved Shootings Video

There is no secret that shooting as it is portrayed in Hollywood movies is quite removed from reality when compared to a real-life shooting incident. In reality, shootings tend to be significantly more messy and dangerous, leaving a lasting impact on an officer’s life, as shown in the video “Hollywood...

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The Reputation of Law Enforcement: Negative Impact of Police Violence

The validity and legitimacy of legal authority institutions are often undermined by high-profile cases of police violence and brutality. As a social issue, police violence has existed for decades; however, the recent proliferation of recording technologies has made it as exposed as ever. Tragic instances such as the deaths of...

Words: 834 Pages: 3

Social Media for Law Enforcement

“Social Media: Establishing Criteria for Law Enforcement Use” is an article which was written by Robert D. Stuart on the official FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. It discusses one of the most controversial questions regarding the safety and privacy of officers. The relevance of this topic cannot be overestimated because, at...

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Education for Criminal Justice and Police Socialization

The education and training of new employees play an immeasurably significant role in criminal justice. While the judicial system has a substantially long history, education and further professional training for judges and prosecutors appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century (Kania & Davis, 2018). Multiple states formerly permitted...

Words: 570 Pages: 2

Criminal Justice Systems of the US and Colombia

Criminal Justice System, is the means for society to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community (President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice 1967). As a component of Criminal Law it is that body of laws which defines criminal conduct and treats its...

Words: 2123 Pages: 7

Ethnic and Gender Diversity Issues in Policing

Overview Meeting the needs of marginalized groups and providing vulnerable populations with the needed security and assistance are two of the key goals that the law enforcement needs to meet when addressing the issues of vulnerable populations. However, the specified tasks are rather difficult to attain due to the presence...

Words: 606 Pages: 2

Ethics and Character in Criminal Justice System

Ethics and character are very important issues especially in law enforcement because they provide standards for excellent service delivery and performance. All the players in the criminal justice system are supposed to uphold the highest standards of ethics to protect the name and the integrity of the system. Law enforcement...

Words: 1954 Pages: 8

Effectiveness of Drug Enforcement Laws

In many countries of the world including the United States, drug enforcement law is a central framework of their national policies. These governments allocate a bigger percentage of their budgetary spending to drug enforcement programs. For instance, the federal government of the United States spends about twelve billion USD annually...

Words: 1503 Pages: 6

Gun Control and Proliferation in the United States

Introduction There have been growing concerns over the Proliferation of guns over the past few years in the United States. Rarely a week passes without a brutal incident involving a gun and this acts as a reminder that there is no safe sanctuary from gun-related violence. On average, 90 fatalities...

Words: 1289 Pages: 5

Servant Leadership in Police Organizations

Abstract Servant leadership portrays a guiding philosophy where the main objective of the person in charge is to serve. Servant leaders delegate authority, give precedence to the interests of workers and help employees to develop and improve their performance. Many companies have succeeded thanks to servant leadership, and there is...

Words: 2875 Pages: 11

Police Corruption, Motivation, and Accountability

Introduction Corruption is one of the direst problems facing modern society today. It is the root of many evils in the world and it has become a constant burden to governments globally. Corruption is present in many professional and non-professional settings. One profession where the presence of corruption has a...

Words: 1962 Pages: 8

Policing Standards and Law Enforcement in the US

The United States of America is one of the countries in the world with a highly organized and advanced criminal justice system. One of the major components of the country’s system is law enforcement, which is primarily carried out through police agencies. Policing in the United States is carried out...

Words: 2502 Pages: 10

Police Brutality Towards Protesters in USA

Introduction Police brutality is one of the most emotive topics in the United States. Ioanide defines police brutality as “the abuse of authority by the unwarranted infliction of excessive force by personnel involved in law enforcement while performing their official duties” (24). One of the areas where police brutality has...

Words: 2470 Pages: 9

US Local, State and Federal Police Agencies

Introduction Policing system in the United States is very different from the ones applied in other countries because three levels characterize it including local, state, and federal level. The drafters of the constitution based the idea of dividing policing into three levels on the two principles. During independence, the states...

Words: 1379 Pages: 6