Police Administration: Law Enforcement


The community outlined in the case scenario has been seen to fit more into a dictatorial era rather than a reform era. The military model of police management where Chief Slaughter runs departments like an army unit with strict rules is said to be hierarchically administration whereby there are several plateaus of power. No channels are linking the police and the community. Such a community era can only be best described as a dictatorial era.

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New mission statement development process

It would be most advisable to use a consultative process whereby all the stakeholders in both police and the community would be put on board, their ideas considered and an ideal policy statement developed. This will not only enhance everyone’s confidence in the policing strategies but also ensure everyone participates.

People to be included in the mission statement development

The process would certainly be of utmost benefit if all stakeholders are fully involved. Most important would be administration staff in various departments which include the offices of captains, lieutenants sergeants, and also the subordinate staff with the reason being, they are at the forefront of law enforcement. The community would be well represented in all sectors such as the business fraternity, self-help organizations, schools, and the residents. This is a very important group since the primary objective of the police is to protect them. It would also be advisable to have a representative of all age groups in the community since different ages have different needs to be addressed.

Ordering officers to accept the mission statement

Certainly, it would be a catastrophic idea to force officers to accept a mission statement because the same officers are the heart of the whole community ensuring everyone lived in peace and harmony. For them to work efficiently and effectively they would have to work willingly in good faith and not from dictatorial orders. The best idea would be to involve them in the development of the mission statement and make it their driving force and motivation. By allowing all the parties to participate they would feel more motivated to expedite their duties with smiling faces. It would also make it more possible for them to integrate better with the community for the benefit of everyone.

Changes to be introduced policing strategies

The dictatorial nature of generating and dispensing orders by the chief of police would have to be changed to a consultative and interactive nature whereby the chief will need to consult relevant stakeholders to facilitate open-minded decision-making processes. There will also be the need for interacting with the various levels of police rather than the hierarchical method of the passing of orders.

There would also be the need to change the policy from crime-fighting, patrolling, and rapid response to a more efficient and effective long term policy of involving other governmental, nongovernmental, and religious organizations, private businesses, the media, and other relevant groups in crime prevention measures such as job creation of community education, reforms among others. These measures would bring long-term results compared to the crime attack technique.

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The community seems to be alienated and therefore there is a need to involve the community in policing strategies since community protection is the core business of the police. By involving the community, pointing out criminals will be easy. They would also be in a position of expressing their problems and fears more openly. Media plays a major role in community policing. Instead of the media instilling fear in the community by spreading crime reports rumors it would be better to use the media to educate the community and also assure them of their security and safety.

Changes in the organization structure

Organizational structure plays a major role in effectively and efficiently implementing policing strategies hence the need to consider them. The hierarchical organization structure whereby orders are passed from the chief down to the lowest level officers would need to be replaced with a network kind of organization whereby all the offices interact with the chief’s office. There is a need for a police spokesman office whose office would facilitate communication between the community and the police, boost community confidence and trust in the police and also be responsible for media community interaction. Introduce a special police branch to handle complex social problems and involve relevant stakeholders in finding long-term solutions.

Quality of life issues overlooked

Chief Slaughter doesn’t address the need to have the community and the police working together towards a common objective. The community is alienated since the police seldom interact with the community. The Chief also overlooks the need to address everyone’s needs as is evident when the police don’t care when the school kids chase away customers by skating on the parking lot. The community is concerned about the future of their neighborhood a fact the chief doesn’t care to address. The chief also doesn’t address the media issue of spreading rumors which instill fear in the public instead of reassuring and developing trust in the police.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 1). Police Administration: Law Enforcement. https://demoessays.com/police-administration-law-enforcement/

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"Police Administration: Law Enforcement." DemoEssays, 1 Jan. 2023, demoessays.com/police-administration-law-enforcement/.


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Police Administration: Law Enforcement'. 1 January.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Police Administration: Law Enforcement." January 1, 2023. https://demoessays.com/police-administration-law-enforcement/.

1. DemoEssays. "Police Administration: Law Enforcement." January 1, 2023. https://demoessays.com/police-administration-law-enforcement/.


DemoEssays. "Police Administration: Law Enforcement." January 1, 2023. https://demoessays.com/police-administration-law-enforcement/.