Politics Essay Examples for Free

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Recent Political Essay Samples

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Political Ideology

The Shifting Nature of American Democracy

Political ideologies are key to understanding the advancement of civilizations. They are shaped through revolutions, class struggles and are meant to replace obsolete models of governance. The political divide in the US has been driven by two visions. Jefferson believed voters had to be educated so as not to be...

Words: 408 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

Miranda Warnings: The History of Miranda Rights

Miranda warnings are the obligatory data that the police officers have to read to the suspect while arresting him/her and intending to question. The history of Miranda rights and Miranda warnings begins from the 1966 case of Miranda vs. Arizona, whose essence was in the fact that a person, Ernesto...

Words: 1181 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

Neoliberalism: History and Modern Perception

Abstract There exist different, often conflicting, perspectives on the role of government in the economy. Neoliberalism is one of the most established schools of thought which explain the relationship between the state and the economy. It provides an overarching economic and political policy model, which calls for free-market competition. Although...

Words: 853 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

“The German Ideology” by Karl Marx and Materialism

Completed in 1846 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology succeeds in providing a sound and empirically verifiable alternative to the idealism of Young Hegelians in the form of historical materialism. In Part A of Chapter 1, they sought to outline the problems of idealism and the Young...

Words: 2186 Pages: 8
Political Ideology

Middle East Democratization

Democratization can be understood as the process by which a political organization becomes democratic in its ruling. Democracy remains to be the most effective and valuable form of governance in the world today. However, this is not the situation in the Middle East countries where people still yarns for real...

Words: 1615 Pages: 5
Political Ideology

American Interest in Overseas Expansion

The latter part of the nineteenth century was marked by the heightened interest for territory acquisition and expansion in the United States of America. This period was named the Age of Imperialism (Mehta, 2018). American imperialism was partially based on the fact that they had a mission to spread democracy...

Words: 840 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

What Should the Army Do With the Increase in Its End Strength?

In July 2009, the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates approved a plan to increase the end strength of the US Army by 22,000 Soldiers temporarily. This increase will authorize end strength of 569,000 from its permanent 547,000 end strength ceiling.There are two main reasons for the increase, first, to ensure...

Words: 1410 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

Jomini vs Clausewitz

Antoine-Henri Jomini and Carl von Clausewitz are perhaps the most important figures among the classical theorists of strategy and war of the early 19th century. Both men were heavily influenced by the European Enlightenment and the wars of Napoleon and Frederick the Great. They both had a rather different approach...

Words: 928 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Women in Combat Roles in the US Army

The history of humankind is filled with wars, in which women often had to take the place of men not only in the production lines, but also in the field of battle. Although most militaries appreciated their help during dire times, they also refused to consider recruiting female soldiers as...

Words: 1189 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East

Introduction The History of Nuclear Weapons across the Globe During the past several decades the increase in the production of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) has been regarded as a chief threat to global security. The phrase ‘weapons of mass destruction’ refers to four different kinds of perilous devices namely:...

Words: 5781 Pages: 21
Military Leadership

Do Arms Sales Make the State and People More Secure or Less Secure?

Introduction The increased integration of the countries has led to the whole world getting affected even if one country is struck with a major incident. This is what happened after 9/11, the effects of which are still being faced by the world. The war against terrorism and the security of...

Words: 3146 Pages: 8
Military Leadership

Military Sealift Command: Strategic Plan Proposal

Mission Statement The purpose of a mission statement is essentially to explain the underlying rationale for a company’s existence. It also proposes to know the functions of the company and its position in the society (Pearce & Robinson, 2009). The mission statement is critical in that it expresses a company’s...

Words: 737 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

How the U.S. Army Maintains the Professional Status

The army is a branch of service whose main purpose is to protect the territorial independence of any country.1 Most military personnel across the world must adhere to various core values such as loyalty, honor, respect and selfless service to the citizens and the country.2 In executing its functions, the...

Words: 794 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Defense Support of Civil Authorities

While most of the declared emergencies require no actions from military forces, sometimes the incident is too widescale for local authorities to deal with it themselves. The only situation when local authorities will call the military is when their local and regional capabilities are exhausted, or the scale of the...

Words: 276 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Sexual Harassment and Assault in Military Settings

Sexual harassment and sexual assault are major issues in military settings, which destroy and ruin the lives of many victims involved. Although the Army has made a multitude of systematic attempts to prevent its occurrence rate, the issue still persists as a serious concern. The main purpose of the given...

Words: 564 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

International Security and Robert McNamara’s Lessons

Doctor David A. Owen looks into the concepts of security, war and government functions during the conflict time in his lecture on the concerns of international policies. He also focuses on the eleven life lessons from Robert McNamara, the former U.S. Secretary of Defense (Owen, 2020). It is essential to...

Words: 286 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Military Reserve: History, Function and Purpose

Introduction The national reserve forces of the United States are comprised of highly trained individuals who are always ready to respond to a variety of disasters. Notably, the military is controlled by civilians, with the president as the command in chief. Congress also can set rules and declare a war,...

Words: 953 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Navy Sonar and Its Impact on Marine Mammals

Abstract Currently, a new technology is being developed and deployed by the United States Navy (USN), which creates intense underwater sound via powerful sonar emitters, without any apparent concern for the effect it may have on marine mammals. This research paper studies the various impact of use of active sonar...

Words: 6923 Pages: 24
Military Leadership

The Cold War Between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

Response to the Teacher’s Commentary Although the decision to be made is very difficult, it seems that the leaders in question should not be lauded as heroes. Although their actions and mindsets were understandable, given the era of their leadership, they are still inexcusable. Namely, the refusal to acknowledge the...

Words: 313 Pages: 1
Public Policy

White House Ethics and Its Effect on American Institutional Ideals

Abstract The policy of the White House often ultimately determines the vector of the state policies. However, due to the principles of separation of powers principle, political neutrality, and social equity, the United States managed to maintain political balance during the Trump presidency. For the most part, this was the...

Words: 2019 Pages: 7
Public Policy

Unions and Government, Intervention on Employee Representation

Profit-making institutions constitute stakeholders whose collective efforts contribute to the financial success of organizations. Stakeholders of firms have distinct and uniquely adopted roles and responsibilities based on the professional background. Most importantly, these individuals have a direct or indirect impact on an organization’s financial success as guided by a Human...

Words: 1401 Pages: 5
Public Policy

TRIPS Agreement and Its Implication in Developing Countries

Introduction At the end of 1994, the results of the multilateral trade negotiations also known as the Uruguay Round were rather impressive and fruitful. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (also known as TRIPS or the TRIPS Agreement) was negotiated and introduced as a significant part in...

Words: 2318 Pages: 8
Public Policy

Youth Involvement in Political Processes

Young people make a significant and influential part of the population. Their participation in social and political processes can greatly determine their outcome. Nevertheless, it is known that youth usually do not seek involvement in formal political life, leaving it to the older generation (Earl et al., 2017). More likely,...

Words: 330 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Political Institutions and Actors of Latin America

This current event analyzed in this post is the outburst of political protests in Chile in 2019, covered in the article linked above. Notably, the piece is published on an independent international news site that links to several sources from the republic of Chile. This implies that the media in...

Words: 291 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Government Response on Growing Inflation and Unemployment Rates

Introduction Inflation is a persistent rise in the general price level. The increase leads to a considerable and prolonged fall in consumers’ purchasing power (PP) in an economy over some time. The loss of PP influences the overall living cost for the average household, which contributes to a slowdown in...

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Public Policy

The Role of Government Policy in the UK Market

Public and Merit goods In a situation where business firms are found in a free market economy business entrepreneurs will only be aiming to gain in return of their goods and services. Therefore some services and goods and services essential to the society will not be provided forcing the government...

Words: 1538 Pages: 4
Public Policy

What Is Civil Society?

Abstract Striving to provide open, just and harmonious society, civil societies operate as a forced-backed structure distinct from those of a state’s political system, family and commercial institutions in which they practice. They embrace the diversity of spaces in social economic injustices, political grievances and power imbalances. Varying in autonomy...

Words: 4881 Pages: 17
Public Policy

“The Power Elite” by C. Wright Mills

The first article I wish to summarize is the abstract from The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills, which directly deals with the topic of power in politics. The article concerns the research that the author conducted about the American society and the interconnected interests of the leaders of the...

Words: 342 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Social Policies for Children and Families

Risk and Resilience Framework for Child, Youth, and Family Policy The social policies developed in the United States within the past decades are aimed at facilitating positive and prosocial experiences and opportunities for young populations. More importantly, these policies are used to mitigate the risks and negative experiences the youth...

Words: 605 Pages: 2
Public Policy

The New Black Panther Party in the United States

Introduction The United States is home to numerous parties which have various agendas and represent different peoples. Some of these parties cater for special interest of particular groups in the population and may hold extremist views. The New Black Panther Party falls under this category of parties. This paper proposes...

Words: 951 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Equality in the Criminal Justice System

Background of the issue There have been a series of resounding unfair events that plague the American criminal justice system. Young men are wrongly convicted because they belong to an ethnic minority. Women, as well, have not been left behind as they continue to suffer criminal injustice, but the focus...

Words: 838 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

Police Training in the United Kingdom

Police officers are often charged with the responsibility of ensuring that they enforce the laws of the land. Accordingly, those people who would wish to join the police force are often obligated to be holders of a given minim level of education and training. Federal and state laws often establish...

Words: 1618 Pages: 6
Law Enforcement

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Mission and Benefits

Introduction The federal bureau of investigation (FBI) is a body that operates under the umbrella of the United States Department of Justice. Its primary role is to investigate crimes that are classified as a federal crime; additionally, the FBI also functions as an intelligence agency. The FBI’s main offices are...

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Law Enforcement

Metropolitan Police: SWOT Analysis Report

Report The purpose of this report is to assess the relationships between the Metropolitan Police and community-based organizations. In particular, it is necessary to analyze the positive and negative aspects, which may contribute to or hinder effective functioning of the police force. In addition to that, it is of the...

Words: 2470 Pages: 9
Law Enforcement

Implications of Use-of-Force for the Future of Police Management

Introduction If current issues and trends that currently impinge on the use of force are anything to go by, police management in the future must likely concern itself with the comprehensive acquisition of less-lethal equipment, more (not less) racial tensions, sustained training in nonviolent self-defense/arrest, a continued influx of war...

Words: 827 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Immigration and Unlawful Employment in the U.S.

The following cases are to be considered from the legal perspective in terms of the legal ways to execute power on immigration legislature on both federal and state levels. The first issue is related to the question of the extent of state power when it comes to the process of...

Words: 2298 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

Police Officer Training

It is not easy to become a good policeman in the USA nowadays. To become a real professional one must work hard and come through many tests, exercises and trainings such as firearm and physical training, fitness and drive tests, and of course, in class instructions. The last include studying...

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Law Enforcement

Noble Cause Corruption Among Law Enforcement Officials

Corruption is a rampant evil affecting all sections of society. The word corrupt is a Latin word that gave rise to the word corruption; it means spoiled, broken, or destroyed. (Hodgson and Jiang, 2007) The Concise Oxford dictionary meaning of corruption in the social context means “to bribe” and corruption...

Words: 2503 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

Police Patrolling Methods in the United States

Introduction Policing is a vital part of all organized societies. For a society to ensure that law and order are maintained among its citizens, police must show their presence among the subjects through regular patrols. For many years, many police departments have faced a similar problem: how to organize effective...

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Law Enforcement

Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy

The kind of research design that was used for the research was quasi-experimental research design. It was used to look at three strike laws on crime in California and how effective or ineffective they are in combating crime in the country. The data mainly used was a reference to the...

Words: 393 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

The Community Correctional Centers: Goals and Functions

Introduction Community Correction Centers as used in the United States provide a form of alternative punishment for offenders whose crimes are of a non violent nature. In the US, two forms of correctional centers models are in existence. One of the models combines the procedures of correction programs as found...

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Law Enforcement

Should Local and State Peace Officers Enforce Federal Immigration Laws?

After the terrorist attacks on 11th September 2001, considerable attention has been given to immigration laws. Some experts think that the federal government is not very well equipped in enforcing immigration laws and that the local and state law enforcement agencies should be involved in this regard. In this context,...

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Assessment of Political Parties

Before the beginning of the presidential election, the Republican and Democratic parties have significantly different demographic profiles. Throughout political events and presidential elections, the general outlook and political profile of two major parties are contrastingly different than ever before. Republicans and Democrats established little common ground between the two political...

Words: 282 Pages: 1

Audit Quality Control Regime in Hong Kong

Introduction to Hong Kong The sovereignty of Hong Kong was handed over to the Peoples’ Republic of China in 1997 (Wong, 2002). However, Hong Kong continues to maintain an independent system in most of its sectors such as taxation, accounting and auditing. This implies that Hong Kong has separate sets...

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The U. S. Political System and Short Info About New York State’s Government

The U. S. Political System The U. S. political system is widely understood through two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It is also essential to mention that other minor parties shape the political context of the country. The largest minor parties include the Green and...

Words: 658 Pages: 2

The Separation of Powers in Texas

The Constitution of the United States of America separates judicial, executive, and legislative powers into three distinct branches. The idea of the separation is to ensure a balance so that each department of the government works together with the others. The system is present on all levels: federal, state, and...

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Department of Homeland Security’s Improvement Practices

Structure of the Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security is a complex system of branches, which, in turn, consists of agencies, administrative units, and other boards. The integration into a single mechanism is a successful way of organizing power and providing the convenience of control. Before the...

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The Bureaucracy Institution

Bureaucracy is a specific system of governing presupposing the use of a certain body responsible for decision and policy-making. It can also be viewed as a framework where the majority of important decisions are taken by appointed officials supervising various areas. The given type of system is defined to maintain...

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The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy

Introduction The country that will be described later in this essay is called Aristotia in honor of Aristotle, who was the first to describe three main government styles. Aristotle is located in the South American region and has access to the Atlantic Ocean. The new government, in the form of...

Words: 905 Pages: 3

Creating an Ideal State

The selected country experiences hard times because of the prolonged period of dictatorship and multiple cases of power abuse. The devastation in all spheres of social life preconditioned the need for change. The country is located in the Middle Eastern region, which introduces specific geopolitical and cultural factors that should...

Words: 924 Pages: 3

Checks and Balances: Procedure Study

Checks and balances are procedures that prevent the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. government from abusing power. For example, the legislative branch makes laws, and the president, the representative of the executive branch, can veto them. At the same time, Congress, the legislative branch, can override presidents’...

Words: 296 Pages: 1

The Expanded Government’s Functions

Introduction After the Great Depression and, later, during the 1970s, the government’s functions have expanded significantly, covering almost every imaginable aspect of individual lives. For instance, one would need a government’s license to become a private tutor or construct a new building on their property (Harper & Leicht, 2015). The...

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Reformation of the Stafford Act

Introduction The Stafford Act is a federal law in the United States meant to bring assistance to victims of natural disasters at both state and local government levels by reinforcing the efforts of both the local and the state governments. Its main intention was to encourage the local and state...

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Dictators in Latin America: How They Come to Power

How dictatorships come to power in Latin America: the main causes/actors Latin America is full of rulers who seized leadership through military coups. Thus, dictatorship has become a part of Latin America history ever since the times of revolutions. Some dictators created stability, whereas others only created repressive regimes. Some...

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The Justice in USA

American culture, legislation, economics, and other systems each have some specific notions that are known as a part of the American identity. One of such aspects is the idea of intervening in the face of injustice. The USA is the country where any individual can express his or her position...

Words: 554 Pages: 2
Public Policy

“National Security Powers” by M. Ulrich

In the work entitled: “National Security Powers: Are the Checks in Balance?” Marybeth Ulrich talks of the purpose of the War Powers Resolution (pp.93-148). He states that it is to ensure that Congress and the President mutually share in making decisions that may get the U.S. involved in international hostilities....

Words: 859 Pages: 10
Public Policy

Martin Luther Jr. “Jail Letter” and Aung San Kyi’s Democracy Excerpt

The greatest contest between injustice and democracy finds its root in the minds of prominent activists who stand out to show the right direction towards achieving equity. The approaches given by Martin Luther King Jr and Aung San Suu Kyi have demonstrated from their time to the subsequent decades how...

Words: 1111 Pages: 4
Public Policy

Trump’s Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

Conflict of interest is a term used to describe a clash between a person’s desires as an individual and their work or obligational duties. When such a conflict arises, one’s credibility can be questioned or seriously damaged, as an inability to perform your tasks fairly because of personal bias is...

Words: 353 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Anti-American Behavior in the Middle East

Issues to Address The freedoms and values of the Western countries have always been contrary to the Middle East ones. It is not surprising that the situation when a representative of an Islamic state challenges an official by emphasizing the differences between the mentioned cultures takes place. Notably, such an...

Words: 850 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Stolberg’s Categories of Intensity

Introduction The focus of this essay is to identify and discuss the top Chinese and American interests in Africa and to answer whether these interests are compatible or competitive. With the use of categories as stated by Stolberg, the essay will look at the different interests that the Chinese and...

Words: 1740 Pages: 10
Public Policy

Proposed Reform That Merges Related Divisions of the UN

The United Nations is an organization with many different functions. However, its primary aim at the time of its foundation was to prevent wars by providing a forum for nations to discuss their disagreements. Since then, it has earned a reputation for being as ineffective as the League of Nations...

Words: 553 Pages: 4
Public Policy

American Diplomacy to the Welfare and Security of the United States

The job of a diplomat in the United States is extremely demanding as the stakes are always high. From Benjamin Franklin, who is considered the first diplomat of America, to the modern bureau of diplomatic security (DS), the professionals operating in this field are at the forefront of the events...

Words: 827 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Goodwill Stores: Advocating for a New Policy

Introduction Volunteer organizations are significant because there are many homeless and economically disadvantaged individuals in every society. That is why the government, businesses, and engaged individuals take specific actions to provide this population with the required assistance. The modern world offers many options in this domain, and Goodwill stores are...

Words: 1657 Pages: 6
Public Policy

Normative Nature of Founding Principles and the Foundations of Bureaucratic Ethics

Introduction Currently, there are numerous contemporary policy debates in the United States. In this respect, this essay focuses on the immigration policy debates in the United States. It also focuses on the issue of democratic governance as the basis of bureaucratic ethics. Debates about the Immigration Policy The United States’...

Words: 863 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Hamilton’s Reports and the U.S. Political Development

At the end of the eighteenth century the U.S. history was characterized by a number of changes related to the political sphere of life. They were explicitly given in the reports written by Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers and the first secretary of the Treasury. In these documents,...

Words: 2257 Pages: 8
Public Policy

Effectiveness of Wellness Programs

There is an increasing doubt regarding whether wellbeing programs are effective and worth it. Many organizations have established well-being promotion programs to help workers, yet it is not clear whether such initiatives are dependable. This paper explores the effectiveness and worth of well-being programs in general and in the city...

Words: 2003 Pages: 7

Governance in Latin America

Introduction Latin America has remained a region characterized by fragile democracy and political stability. Fortunately, the forces experienced across the world have supported the establishment of regimes and governments that are more democratic in this part of the globe. However, various governance challenges continue to affect most of the countries...

Words: 556 Pages: 2

The Scottish Government Administrative Performance

Introduction As the primary stakeholder, the Scottish government played a crucial role in financing the project. The government was also mandated, via its devolved body, the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC), to supervise and monitor the implementation of the project. The CEC sought to better execute this mandate by dividing...

Words: 2103 Pages: 15

The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses

The United States is a republican country headed by a president who is elected by the citizens. It is guided by the American constitutional system consisting of three branches, which are the judiciary, legislature, and executive. The government was formed based on the aristocracy, monarchy, and democratic form of power....

Words: 314 Pages: 1

Leadership and Communication Analysis of President Clinton

Introduction The possession of powerful leadership qualities is one of the outstanding strengths of competent leaders. Followers consider or prefer individuals whose competencies and abilities can transform their lives and eventually make them successful. William Jefferson Clinton’s achievements as one of the most famous American presidents are attributable to his...

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The U.S. Government: Structure and Functions

The political system of the U.S. is a federal presidential republic that consists of fifty states and the Federal district of Columbia consisting of 50 States. Congress is the highest legislative body and is separated into the House of Representatives and the Senate. President embodies executive power and is the...

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Federal Government: Changes in Congress

Government bodies, whether it be the executive or legislative branches of government, have always attracted much attention. In democratic countries, the desire of society to know about the people they have chosen to rule the country is entirely natural. In the realities of the United States, one of the bodies...

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Abu Dhabi & Dubai Department of Economic Development

Introduction Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two of the three members of the greater United Arab Emirates alongside Sharjah. The federated states heavily depend on oil exports though they are moving towards manufacturing, service and international trade at a dramatic pace. The emirates are headed by President Sheikh Kharifa who...

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Difference Between Not-For-Profit Accounting/Government and for Profit Accounting

Introduction This paper seeks to detail the differences in theory and reporting between government/not-for-profit accounting from for-profit accounting. The paper will also attempt to make out the differences in the classifications of accounting. Analysis and Discussion Organizations as classified according to purpose The differences between not-for-profit (NFP) accounting from for-profit...

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Connecticut: Fundamental Orders and Constitutional System

Connecticut is the first state on the modern United States territory to adopt its Constitution, effectively declaring independence from the colonial policy of England. Established in 1639, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut became the basis for developing the state’s legal system, which has survived to this day. The amendments and...

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Level of Government Functionality

Governments should become more efficient with tax revenue instead of increasing it unnecessarily. The main reason is that current technological advancements and capability for data analysis enable the given institutions to find the most effective solutions for the underlying issues. Increasing tax revenue is plausible only if the government is...

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What Is a State: Evaluation of Academic Sources

What is a state? Political science has defined the “state” numerous times, but researchers have not come up with a universal definition yet. However, one of the most widely used definitions of the state belongs to Max Weber. He defines the modern state as a “human community that (successfully) claims...

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Is Sport Significant Enough to Justify Subsidisation by the Government?

Introduction The last few years from the 1990s into the early 2000s have witnessed rampant growth in the sports sector in the US. According to Ayele (2002, p.1), sports have become an important element of tourism. Most countries are competing to hold sporting events. As a result, there has been...

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Roles of the Branches of the U.S. Government

The United States government consists of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The Constitution’s separation of powers was established to ensure a checks and balances system. This way, the power is not concentrated in the hands of a few, and the entire political system is not monopolized. The purpose of...

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Constitutional Separation Powers Impact on Government

The U.S. Constitution explicitly establishes branches of the government with their purposes and powers. The Constitution has primarily the function of establishing the government and its three distinct branches: executive, legislative, and judicial and outlining the system of separation of powers and checks and balances that limit the power of...

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The Development of the Social Policy

Following the 1999 Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, schools have implemented new safety protocols. Annual spending on protection and surveillance systems has reached almost $3 billion; educational institutions regularly conduct training on behavior in extreme situations (Doll, 2015). Nevertheless, since 2011, incidents involving school shooters have occurred there on...

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The Effectiveness of Implementing Educational Policies

The USA’s government is tasked with providing affordable and inclusive education to its citizens. However, the effectiveness of implementing educational policies is still in question. Over the last decade, the funding of government institutions to meet the educational expenditure demands has not equitably provided equal access to basic resources in...

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Campaign Contributions to California’s Senator and Representative

Money is an essential element in politics as it enables supporting political candidates and parties. The Center for Responsive Politics provides unbiased data on the role of finance in policy-making in the U.S. (“Our Vision and Mission”). This entry analyses the sources of funding for California’s Senator Kamala D. Harris...

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“Security and Freedom” Article by Nicholas Kristof

In the reading selection, “Security and Freedom,” Nicholas Kristof argue that after September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the US, President Bush steamrolled the civil liberties of some people, especially Muslims. According to the author, Americans have created a tradition of jacking up security at times of crisis. For instance,...

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Overview of the Events of the Last Decade in Turkey

Over the past ten years, Turkey has become a confident player on the world stage. But unfortunately, Turkey is gradually turning into an authoritarian regime due to the policy of its president Reijip Tayyip Erdogan, who makes most of the decisions. Erdogan was first elected in 2014 and then re-elected...

Words: 323 Pages: 1

American Government and the Presidency

Introduction The American president is one of the most powerful leaders in the world. Presidents in the U.S. campaign for office rely on their policy agendas which outline their objectives for the course of their term. The president is the head of state and the executive branch and has the...

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EU’s Enlargement to the Balkan Countries

The idea of expansion has been prioritized by the EU since its emergence for obvious reasons. The inclusion of new states that can amount to a powerful force regulating political and economic relationships in Europe allows enhancing the impact that the EU produces, as well as the scale of the...

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Democracy in the United States of America

The United States of America is one of the strongest and oldest democracies in the world. In the eighteenth century, Americans managed to gain their independence and proclaim the basic principles of their governance that are still applied. These norms and values are the ground for the primary laws (the...

Words: 560 Pages: 2

European and U.S. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly crucial part of the defense systems of any government. Many countries have different tactics and methods for fighting off cyber attacks. The responses to such malicious activities vary from diplomatic decisions to sanctions and conflicts. For example, the U.S. strategy aims to deal even more...

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The Coronavirus Pandemic in Modern World

The Coronavirus pandemic is a newly defining global health crisis. The virus is proving to be the most significant worldwide challenge since World War II. As a health crisis, the outbreak can potentially create crucial economic, social, and political challenges. The government and other relevant policymakers are to ensure the...

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The US Department of Energy

Introduction The Department of Energy (DOE) is the body of government that oversees and funds research into high energy sources that include nuclear energy, fusion energy sources, and high energy physics. The department provides over 40% of funding into these research programs for graduate students, principal investigators, and other researchers...

Words: 652 Pages: 2

White House Ethics and Its Effect on the Separation of Powers Institutional Ideals

The separation of powers is based on the division of the tasks between the independent legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The power is separated to “prevent tyranny” and “ensure that no government institution nor official gains too much power” (Nelson, 2019, p. 681). Professionalism and ethical principles apply to the...

Words: 666 Pages: 2
International Organizations

The EU Development Policy: Anti-terrorism Measures

Responding to the geopolitical needs of the European Union, such as migration control and anti-terrorism measures, has become an integral part of the EU Development Policy. However, recent events have exposed the potential inadequacy of current measures. In 2019, the European Commission announced that the migrant crisis that started off...

Words: 280 Pages: 1
International Trade

Comparative Advantage in International Trade Relations: China and Australia

Countries engage in bilateral trade relationships based on the interplay of serval factors. A company should be able to produce a particular product in quantities that meet or satisfy the local demand before resorting to exportation. Besides, the country in question might need to weigh the cost of producing the...

Words: 941 Pages: 3
Public Services

A Waste-Treatment Facility Construction in Ottawa

Introduction Building a new waste-treatment plant requires a great deal of planning. There are several stages in the construction of any major factory, and numerous crucial decisions must be made during those stages. Failure to select the most optimal option can lead to the construction process being either delayed or...

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Civil Rights

Civil Rights in the United States

The term “civil rights” can be defined as rights guaranteed to any individual in a state. This guarantees that any person will have equal opportunity and the same right to protect themselves as others. The objective of supporting civil rights and ensuring that the governmental institutions protect them is to...

Words: 850 Pages: 3
International Law

International Law: Non-proliferation Treaty

International Law is a set of regulations that are supposed to minimize the number of conflicts between states and help countries achieve compromise through means of diplomacy. Its origins can be traced back to 1648 when the Treaty of Westphalia was conducted in response to a thirty-year war that devastated...

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Political Theory

The History of Political Science in Canada

A state is “a legal/political and administrative entity composed of a governing central authority that makes and reinforces laws and is recognized as the primary subject of the international legal system” (Guy, p. 99). To be a state, this entity has to possess a permanent population, a defined territory, a...

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Political Ideology

Karl Marx’s Theory of Exploitation: A Critical Analysis

Introduction Ever since the dawn of the capitalist economics, scholars from various fields have continually been divided in support of and against its underlying theories and principles. While it has been dominant for the last half-century, capitalism has been widely criticized based on various political and philosophical perspectives. The prevailing...

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Political Ideology

Marx’s Reasons of Capitalist Economy Collapse

Introduction Capitalism has been the evil dog, which has been around for so long, and which has brought many world economies crunching on their heels. The proponents of capitalism have done little in its bad times, only coming up with quick fix means to keep their systems of economies in...

Words: 997 Pages: 3
Civil Rights

Court System and Federal Judiciary

In the United States, the importance of courts and the federal judiciary is explained by the necessity to protect human liberties, keep order, and predict unlawful intrusion. The American population expects to have a number of professionals who create and maintain the law according to a particular system. There are...

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Civil Rights

Criminal Defendant Rights in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments

Introduction The first ten amendments of the Constitution are commonly referred to as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights contains the foundation of the rights provided to individuals who are accused of committing crimes. These amendments affect the law enforcement procedure and law enforcement professionals as they carry...

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