United Nations: From Creation to the Present Day


The United Nations was established in 1945 immediately after the end of the Second World War. At the time, the world saw a lot of mayhem caused by the use of new technologies in armed combats. For instance, the use of atomic bombs in the war resulted in much destruction, which served as an illustration of how wars could be fought in the coming years. Due to this massive destruction imminent across the world, there was a need for the establishment of the United Nations Organization. The founding members of the UN consisted of the United States, USSR, China, United Kingdom, and France (United Nations, 2009).

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They outlined the objectives of the foundation, which later became the mandates of the UN. However, during the gazette of the organization, 77 countries had already offered their signatories to be part of the foundation. The organization aimed to enhance peace among the member countries and unify the future generation.

Current State of the UN

Over the past decade, the UN has managed to minimize the extent of security conflicts. However, it faces the challenge of ending terrorism that has rocked parts of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Jihad war has taken the organization by surprise, but strategies have been implemented to mitigate its adversity (United Nations, 2009). Apart from Jihad, there is the Al-Qaeda war, Taliban war, and war against Kashmir and Jammu.

Currently, the UN has failed in its mandate, as the focus has shifted to economic, social, and political gains. According to McGreg (2006), the UN has failed to prevent war, as its interest has been on safeguarding political and economic superiority. For instance, the United States, being the founding member of the UN, went against the principles of the organization by financing Islamic Jihad to fight Afghanistan. Afghanistan was perceived to be a threat to the economic superiority of the United States: they wanted to maintain their superpower. Other conflicts that the UN failed to prevent included Korean War, Gulfs Wars, and Vietnam War.

Apart from the prevention of conflict, the UN has been deterred by the inability to resolve conflicts. The organization has failed to safeguard the lives of innocent citizens and has vested its interest in the development of political superiority. The UN is playing the role of advisers and observer groups rather than enhancing resolution between the conflicting nations. One such scenario occurred in Afghanistan, where the UN was not able to resolve the war between Iraq and Afghanistan.

Following the advent of nuclear weapons, nuclear disarmament has proved a challenge to the UN. Major developments in the production of nuclear weapons have been experienced across the world. China has supplied some of its nuclear weapons to Pakistan, and it has vested its interest in the development of nuclear weapons in North Korea. The CIA has provided evidence of the events that are undertaken by China in promoting nuclear weapons, but the UN has not taken any step in preventing them from undertaking such an initiative. It is believed that the U.S. has a vested interest in the development of nuclear weapons.

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Consequently, the UN has failed to prevent war on terrorism in its member states. The 9/11 bombing of the US twin towers demonstrated laxity in providing peace among member nations. UN should dedicate its efforts to mitigating global terrorism. Reports have shown that Al Qaeda is preparing for massive attacks on its enemies, especially U.S., and it is the mandate of the UN to prevent the war. Stringent measures need to be enacted by the organization to realize positive results (Whitman, 2009).

Current Aims of the UN

The United Nation’s objective of enhancing peace has not significantly changed over the past years. However, increased security problems have resulted in the organization indulging in preventive diplomacy. In addition, the organization aims at peacebuilding through the provision of humanitarian services to individuals who are in war-stricken regions. Peace will only be realized when society appreciates individual endeavors, and the UN aims at educating society on the benefits of peaceful coexistence. Finally, to achieve conflict prevention, the organization needs to restructure and incorporate leaders who are peace-oriented. The current members of the Council have prioritized their interests rather than the interest of the society (Sharma, 2008).

Conclusion and Recommendations

The push for peace initiative should not be given any priority by the United Nations. Peace itself refers to the absence of any armed conflict. As a result, for countries to enjoy the lack of war among themselves, the UN must take up the responsibility of securing peace through force if possible.

From the experiences of the First and the Second World Wars came the need to prevent future generations from the danger of another world war. This is the primary mandate of the UN. In essence, the UN should not pursue any other mandate, be it social, economic, or environmental. The UN should divest itself from such a venture and deal with the threats of war only. Numerous security issues currently bedeviling the world require immediate action by the United Nations. Indeed, if the UN does not meet these challenges, then it will not be fulfilling its role in the 21st Century.

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Reference List

McGreg, B. 2006. Peacekeeping and International relations. London: Routledge.

Sharma, B. 2008. Reinventing the United Nations. London: John Wiley and Sons.

United Nations. 2009. United Nations Peace Operations: Year in Review. United Nations Publications.

Whitman, J. 2009. Peacekeeping and the UN agencies. London: Routledge.

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DemoEssays. "United Nations: From Creation to the Present Day." February 5, 2024. https://demoessays.com/united-nations-from-creation-to-the-present-day/.