The Los Angeles Police Department’s Internal Structure


A large number of points are considered in the process of designing the organization’s structure. They include the division of labor in an organization along with the level of specialization that is to be implemented. It is also crucial to consider a person who is given authority in the organization, that is, his or her authority and power in regards to other people they work or will have to work with. More than that, the amount of control these people are to be accorded with has to be thoroughly defined as well, along with the centralization issue which is to be under the control. Delegation of responsibilities is something that is to be catered for. Finally, people responsible should acknowledge their mistakes and correct them appropriately (Mcnamara, 2011).

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In an organization, for instance, the Los Angeles Police Department, there is the top management made of five commissioners who constitute the board of the department. There is also the executive is charged with the day-to-day running of the department who is called the police chief. The board members are responsible for such issues as policy making, supervising, and overseeing the running of the department. Under the ruling of the chief, several other senior officials of the department are also responsible for its smooth operation. They are the chief of staff and one more position which maintains the relationships among different groups of employees within the department. Apart from them, there is an office that deals with public information. The office in charge of operations is the most noteworthy of all who is under the control of the assistant chief of the police department. He is under the direct command of the chief of police. The department has got a total of twenty-one stations. The paper refers to the location of any of these stations with four areas dividing (Domanick, 1994). In the department, the utilization of information technology has not been left out. Computer statistics are used to analyze data and information on crime rates so that officers can be able to respond accordingly. A division named composite assists in the analysis of information. This division updates the senior staff every week including the chief of police (Domanick 1994).

In this police department, the influence of its design on the employee’s conduct is noticeable. First of all, there is the division of labor. The duty of the top management is related to those involved in the operations of the organizations, and those who mainly play an oversight role. In these two roles respectively, there is the police chief and commissioners. Secondly, there is the chief of police who gives the commands and oversees his assistant in charge of operations. Finally, the people charged with administering the departments possess less authority power. They are under the command of their immediate supervisors making the relationship between the commissioners and the police chief (Sharma, 1995).


The designing of the internal structure of an organization is made to get the desired effect with the help of the individuals in the organization, and utilizing technology existing in the information world for the organization’s benefit and achieving their objectives. People and modern technology have to be integrated well working jointly (Autry, 1996).


Autry, R. (1996). What is organisation Design? Web.

Domanick, J. (1994). To Protect and to Serve:The LAPD’S Century of War in the City of Dreams. New York , New York: Pocket Books.

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Mcnamara, C. (2007). Key Concepts in the Design of an Organization. Web.

Sharma, S. (1995). Organisational Design. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 4). The Los Angeles Police Department's Internal Structure.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "The Los Angeles Police Department's Internal Structure." January 4, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Los Angeles Police Department's Internal Structure." January 4, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Los Angeles Police Department's Internal Structure." January 4, 2023.