The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America


The United States of America places a high value on liberty, as reflected in its foundational writings and cultural celebrations. De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America acknowledges that liberty cannot be taken for granted and needs to be constantly safeguarded and promoted. There have been worries in recent years that the liberties of Americans are in danger due to governmental overreach, wealth disparity, or societal polarization (Alsan et al.). America needs to take steps to protect and restore the value of liberty. These steps include promoting a thriving civilized society, putting money into schooling, enacting particular policy actions, and fostering a climate of compassion and reverence for diversity.

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Ensuring that the nation’s judicial system upholds individual rights is among the many crucial things the government can do to safeguard liberty in America. This involves guaranteeing that any transgressions by law enforcement are held to account and that the judiciary is unbiased and fair (Alsan et al.). Citizens’ privacy must also be protected, especially in the digital era, where data can be easily obtained and abused. The government can accomplish this by taking steps like more stringent data protection laws, restrictions on government surveillance, and greater transparency in how businesses use customers’ personal information.

Securing a thriving civil society where people and groups can voice their opinions and follow their passions without worrying about harassment or reprisal is another crucial step in protecting liberty in America. This can be accomplished by safeguarding press and speech freedoms, advancing the right to protest and convene, and promoting the development of non-governmental groups that can hold elected officials accountable (Alsan et al.). By supporting laws that encourage rivalry and lessen the concentration of economic power, civil society can also contribute to advancing financial freedom.

Another critical element in advancing independence in America is education. De Tocqueville understood the value of education in establishing a free and fair society, and his insights remain relevant today. Fostering an appreciation of liberty requires confirming that all Americans, regardless of their financial status, have access to high-quality education (Alsan et al.). Additionally, education can support the development of civic involvement, critical reasoning, and respect for differing viewpoints—all crucial for fostering an open and democratic society.

To protect and advance liberty in America, in addition to these actions, there are also substantive policy actions that can be done. Criminal justice reform is one example of how to lessen the number of people behind bars, especially for non-violent crimes (Alsan et al.). This can be achieved by lowering the minimum mandatory sentences, increasing the number of alternatives to imprisonment, and raising money for initiatives that assist people who have been granted parole in reintegrating into society.

Promoting wealth distribution is another crucial policy step that can aid in reducing economic disparity and fostering individual freedom. This can be executed by broadening access to educational and employment training programs, increasing affordable housing availability, and assuring the tax system is just and progressive (Alsan et al.). The consolidation of economic power, which can pose a danger to individual liberty, can be lessened by encouraging economic mobility.

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The last thing the government can do to safeguard and advance liberty in America is to nurture a culture of compassion and regard for diversity. This can be accomplished by increasing tolerance, lessening discrimination, and guaranteeing that everyone is treated with dignity and honor. Additionally, encouraging civic engagement and getting people to cooperate to handle issues affecting their neighborhoods and the nation can be accomplished by fostering an atmosphere of empathy. Americans can keep developing a society that is free, just, and fair for everyone by doing this.

Work Cited

Alsan, Marcella, et al. “Civil Liberties in Times of Crisis.” National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020, Web.

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DemoEssays. (2024, February 27). The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America.

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"The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America." DemoEssays, 27 Feb. 2024,


DemoEssays. (2024) 'The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America'. 27 February.


DemoEssays. 2024. "The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America." February 27, 2024.

1. DemoEssays. "The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America." February 27, 2024.


DemoEssays. "The Ideology of Liberty in the United States of America." February 27, 2024.