The Federal System of Government


Setting up a new government in a country from scratch requires a lot of planning and thought especially if the country is one which has several religious factions. The dilemma is deciding the best system of government that can be adopted to allow the citizens to be involved in the decision making of their country. The system proposed should be one that has the capability of controlling the governed people and itself at the same time. Religious leaders should be included in the government system due to their influence and probability of destabilizing the country if left out in the decision making (Slann, 2006).

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Federal System Of Government

The federal system of government is the most ideal form of government that should be adopted in such a country (Kozlowski and Weber, 2010). Federal system limits the powers of its government through democracy. This system is ideal for a country that has been experiencing political instability and violence as it will phase out absolute power in the government. Both governmental and non-governmental bodies will be involved in important decision making of the country. The country will be governed by the President as the head of State and other institutions put in place to ensure effective governance. It further allows political parties to be registered.

Setting Up Institutions Under The Federal System Of Government

This system of government has various institutions put in place to ensure transparency in the governance. The institutions are set up under the supreme law of the country which is the Constitution. The constitution not only establishes the institutions of the government but further sets out their responsibilities and limitations. There are three institutions of government that need to be set up under the Constitution. These are the Executive, Legislature and Judicial. The Executive branch will consist of the head of state assisted by his vice-president and the appointed cabinet. The body is mandated with the role of implementing the laws that have been put in place by the parliament. The laws of the country will be made by the parliament representing the Legislature and finally the judicial institution which will ensure that the implemented laws are followed to the letter. These institutions have been proved to work in other countries that run under the federal system of government such as America and Canada.

Role Of Political Parties

Political parties are very important in any federal system of government. They will play an important role of unifying the citizens so as to gain control of the government. A one-party state has absolute power in the way the government is run and therefore does not meet any objections in its decision. A country with more than one political party on the other hand ensures transparency by criticizing decisions made especially by the ruling party. With their political influence, they have the power to persuade the citizens to vote for their ideal candidate in office. Religious leaders on the other hand support the political parties through their involvement in the civil groups. However, caution should be taken when advocating for political parties as they have the power to destabilize the country (Greve, 1999).

Federalism And Voting Rights

Power sharing in the government ensures checks and balances within the governing bodies. Separation of powers in the government is efficient for guarding against power abuse by the governing bodies hence upholding the principle of democracy. The voting rights of the citizens are also upheld in the federal system of government. This will ensure accountability by the leaders for fear of being voted out by the citizens. The President, for example, is elected to run for a certain period hence phasing out the possibility of tyranny (Schapiro, 2009).


A country with several religious functions requires a diplomatic and democratic system of governance. Though the federal system has its own setbacks, it is the most ideal system to be implemented in this kind of structure.

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Reference List

Greve, M. (1999) Real Federalism: Why it matters, how it could happen. USA: Cengage Learning.

Kozlowski, D and Weber, J. (2010) Federalism. New York: Amazon.

Schapiro, R. (2009) Polyphonic Federalism: toward the protection of fundamental rights. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Slann, M. (2006) Introduction to Politics: Government and Nations in the 21st Century. USA: Cengage Learning.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "The Federal System of Government." December 25, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Federal System of Government." December 25, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Federal System of Government." December 25, 2022.