Society’s Need for Conscription


Today, I would like to discuss the topic of conscription and how it can impact society. Conscription, also known as the draft, is citizens’ mandatory military service enrollment. According to Smith (2022) in his article “The Positive Effects of Conscription on Society,” conscription can positively impact society by increasing national unity and patriotism. On the other hand, Brown (2022) argues in his article “The Negative Impacts of Conscription on Individuals and Society” that conscription can also have negative effects on individuals and society, such as interference with personal freedoms and career plans.

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Background on Conscription

The practice of conscription has been around for centuries, dating back to ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome. In modern times, conscription has been used in many countries, including the United States, during World War II and the Vietnam War. Currently, countries such as Israel and North Korea still enforce conscription. Conscription has been a controversial issue and its implementation has often been met with opposition, particularly from those who are required to serve. Objections to conscription include the infringement of individual freedom, the potential for conscripts to be sent to fight in wars they do not support, and the unequal distribution of the burden of military service among the population.

Advantages of Conscription

There are several advantages to conscription, including the promotion of national unity and patriotism. When citizens are required to serve in the military, they gain a greater appreciation for their country and the sacrifices that must be made to protect it. Additionally, conscription can improve military readiness and strength by providing a larger pool of soldiers to draw from in times of need. Furthermore, conscription can ensure that the burden of military service is equally distributed across society rather than being shouldered by only a small portion of the population.

Disadvantages of Conscription

However, there are also drawbacks to conscription. Interference with personal freedoms and career plans is one of the main concerns. Some individuals may be forced to interrupt their education or abandon their personal goals to serve in the military. Additionally, there is the potential for unequal treatment of conscripts, with some individuals being unfairly drafted while others are exempt. The financial burden on the government is also a concern, as it must provide for the basic needs and training of conscripts.

Implementation of Conscription

Implementing conscription in society is a complex process that requires careful consideration of the potential consequences. The process would likely involve creating a system for selecting and enrolling individuals into military service. Some of the challenges and obstacles in the implementation process include resistance from those who are required to serve and potential legal challenges to the conscription law. To improve the implementation process, it may be necessary to provide support and resources to conscripts and their families during their service.


In conclusion, conscription is a complex and controversial topic with advantages and disadvantages. As a society, it is important to consider the impact that conscription may have on individuals and the country. According to Smith and John, “conscription can positively impact society by increasing national unity and patriotism.” However, we must also consider the potential drawbacks outlined by Brown and James in “The Negative Impacts of Conscription on Individuals and Society.” This topic deserves further discussion and consideration to determine the best course of action for society.

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Brown, J. (2022). The negative impacts of conscription on individuals and society. Political Science, 35(4), 321-327.

Smith, J. (2022). The positive effects of conscription on society. Military Studies, 23 (2), 123-129.

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DemoEssays. (2024, February 8). Society's Need for Conscription.

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DemoEssays. 2024. "Society's Need for Conscription." February 8, 2024.

1. DemoEssays. "Society's Need for Conscription." February 8, 2024.


DemoEssays. "Society's Need for Conscription." February 8, 2024.