Multi-Domain Operations of Army


The modern world is changing and requires the development of new methods, new approaches to all areas. One of these areas is the military, as the unstable political situation needs timely and correct measures. It is impossible to try to maintain peace in a dynamic reality while clinging to old techniques and doctrines. In the army, new methods are being introduced, and the soldiers have to adapt to them, redefining their role and position following them. The purpose of this essay is to identify the role of senior NCO officers in two of the five domains of the concept of Multi-Domain Operations.

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The concept stated above is a doctrine adopted by the United States Army as a development plan and methodology of operations. The idea of Multi-Domain Operations describes how the U.S. Army should operate in a wide variety of settings and domains (U.S. Army, 2020). This concept was developed, taking into account modern high technologies that are now a part of everyday life. Following this, the military needs to get used to the new order of warfare, which includes the use of numerous high-tech developments.

The term senior NCO officers refer to a whole group of military personnel engaged in various types of activities. Typically, these officers are the link between senior officers and soldiers, thus being one of the most critical positions in the army. Non-commissioned officers include various leaders, such as the leader of the firing group, the leader of the section, the platoon sergeant (“The role of the NCO,” n.d.). Thus, these officers should serve as an example for soldiers and train them, achieving a high level of discipline. Non-commissioned officers directly contact the personnel, without waiting for an order from above, and are responsible for the combat readiness of the lower army ranks. Therefore, these officers have a huge responsibility because they must be prepared for everything that can happen. In the framework of the concept of Multi-Domain Operations, these officers must act effectively using all the knowledge about the enemy and utilizing modern equipment.

The first of the domains is the land, i.e., the most basic and most common field of war. However, the concept of Multi-Domain Operations makes adjustments to the actions of the army, directing the efforts of soldiers and officers to several specific tasks. Firstly, according to this concept, the combined forces must compete for expanding the field of operations, which will allow more space for maneuver (U.S. Army, 2020). This task is achieved by performing various reconnaissance operations, irregular combat actions, as well as a series of measures aimed at preparing for further activities. Consequently, non-commissioned officers must be prepared to conduct maneuvers in a complex territory, as well as explore the field of action.

The next domain closely intersects with both the previous and all the other areas, since this is an information field. Within this domain, the combined forces should use their data as efficiently as possible and actively seek information about the enemy. When conducting intelligence, non-commissioned officers must collect reports about the location of enemy forces, analyze the operational situation and civilian systems (U.S. Army, 2020). They should also conduct counterintelligence, counteracting enemy scouts, and perform various deceptive actions, thus protecting their data. NCO officers must monitor the non-disclosure of crucial operational information and take all possible measures to obtain it.


Thus, the concept of Multi-Domain Operations implies multiple interactions between different operational domains. After the analysis, it can be concluded that all these domains are inextricably linked and should work in a coordinated manner. NCO officers should both carry out the usual operations and maneuvers for army units, and actively participate in the collection and protection of various information, conducting intelligence and counterintelligence operations.

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The role of the NCO. (n.d.). Global Security. Web.

U.S. Army. (2020). TRADOC pamphlet 525-3-1: The U.S. Army in multi-domain operations 2028. U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.

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DemoEssays. (2022, February 21). Multi-Domain Operations of Army.

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DemoEssays. (2022) 'Multi-Domain Operations of Army'. 21 February.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Multi-Domain Operations of Army." February 21, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Multi-Domain Operations of Army." February 21, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Multi-Domain Operations of Army." February 21, 2022.