Michelle Obama: Former First Lady

Michelle Obama Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: January 17, 1964 (56 years old)
Marital Status: Married to Barack Hussein Obama
City: Chicago, Illinois
Country: The United States of America

Brief Biography

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is one of the former First Ladies of the United States. Prior to becoming known as the 44th President’s wife, she was a successful lawyer and writer (“Michelle Obama”). She worked for companies in such fields as legal and public affairs (“Michelle Obama”). During Barack Obama’s presidency, she was known for her particular attention to social issues and was considered a popular political figure.

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Educational Information

  • Juris Doctor (J.D.) Harvard Law School 1986-1988
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Princeton University 1981-1985 (“Michelle Obama”)

Work Information

  • Vice President for Community and External Affairs The University of Chicago Medical Center 2005-2009
  • Executive Director of Community Relations and External Affairs University of Chicago Hospitals 2002-2005
  • Associate Dean of Student Services University of Chicago 1996-2002
  • Executive Director Public Allies 1993-1996
  • Assistant Mayor Richard Daley 1991-1993
  • Associate Sidley Austin 1988-1991


The first job of Michelle Obama was the position of an associate in the Chicago branch of Sidley Austen after she graduated from Harvard Law School. More specifically, she worked in marketing and intellectual property for three years at the beginning of her career (“Michelle Obama Biography”). Therefore, her work as a lawyer implied managing client cases, preparing documents, and providing consulting services. Subsequently, she left this position for a career in public service and worked for Mayor Richard Daley involved in planning and developing the City of Chicago (“Michelle Obama Biography”). In two years, she changed her job to the executive director position at Public Allies’ Chicago office.

During this period, Michelle was helping young employees acquire skills for future employment in the public sector. In 1996, she started to work for the University of Chicago, and her responsibilities included the development of community-service programs (“Michelle Obama Biography”). Afterward, Michelle promoted community relations at the University of Chicago Hospitals (“Michelle Obama Biography”). Therefore, before becoming the First Lady, she was a specialist in law and public affairs.

Leadership Traits


Michelle Obama’s principal leadership trait is her compassionate attitude towards people facing social issues. During her professional career and when she was First Lady, Michelle demonstrated her concerns regarding girls’ education and other injustices of the present-day society (“First Lady or Fearless Leader? Michelle Obama’s 10 Most Admirable Leadership Qualities”). However, this quality contributed to her impact on this area and her previous work in community services.


Michelle’s leadership was based on the transparency of her actions and, therefore, honesty. During her career, she demonstrated dedication to social causes and highlighted the outcomes of her work on a daily basis (“First Lady or Fearless Leader? Michelle Obama’s 10 Most Admirable Leadership Qualities”). In this way, it can be concluded that an authentic representation was the key to her success as a lawyer and the First Lady.


The Lack of Patriotism

While Michelle Obama was a good leader, she also faced criticism for her alleged lack of patriotism. Her remarks regarding the past struggles of ethnic minorities and the comparison of the favorable present-day situation with their negative experience allowed others to blame her for them (Mikki). From the public perspective, it looked as if she viewed their family as not belonging to the country and, therefore, neglected.

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Another reason for criticizing Michelle Obama was her looks and, more specifically, the choice of clothes. It was perceived as inappropriate since she was not classy enough. Michelle even came to Buckingham Palace wearing a sweater and was noticed in the streets wearing shorts (Mikki). Due to these occasions, her appearance created an overall negative attitude towards her as a leader and allowed for comparison with other First Ladies.

Works Cited

“First Lady or Fearless Leader? Michelle Obama’s 10 Most Admirable Leadership Qualities.” Inspiring Leadership Now, 2020, Web.

Kendall, Mikki. “22 Times Michelle Obama Endured Rude, Racist, Sexist or Plain Ridiculous Attacks.” The Washington Post, 2016, Web.

“Michelle Obama.” History, 2019, Web.

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“Michelle Obama Biography.” Biography, 2018, Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 22). Michelle Obama: Former First Lady. https://demoessays.com/michelle-obama-former-first-lady/

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"Michelle Obama: Former First Lady." DemoEssays, 22 Dec. 2022, demoessays.com/michelle-obama-former-first-lady/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Michelle Obama: Former First Lady'. 22 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Michelle Obama: Former First Lady." December 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/michelle-obama-former-first-lady/.

1. DemoEssays. "Michelle Obama: Former First Lady." December 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/michelle-obama-former-first-lady/.


DemoEssays. "Michelle Obama: Former First Lady." December 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/michelle-obama-former-first-lady/.