Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas

The fact that Arkansas regularly lags behind the national average voter turnout rate can be examined through the lens of general mechanisms of action. In addition, the enhanced participation of voters can be achieved through addressing the revealed problems in this respect. Therefore, the consideration of the main obstacles concerning the situation of this state alongside the determination of applicable measures will be an optimal solution to the present challenges.

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The principal reasons why voter participation in some states is lower than in others are connected to the convenience of procedures and people’s characteristics. Thus, in the case of Arkansas, the former factors are demonstrated by the absence of online registration and the accompanying issues, including the impossibility of casting a ballot at the same time (Sebold, 2020). In turn, the latter circumstances are the low educational achievement of citizens from the state and moderate enthusiasm stemming from this provision (Sebold, 2020). Considering these conditions, it is reasonable to suggest that the three best options to increase voter turnout in Arkansas are organizing online services, increasing people’s awareness through special initiatives, and directly addressing voters. These measures will be beneficial for ensuring the understanding of means and the necessity to exercise these rights for the better future of the country.

To summarize, the critical situation of Arkansas compared to other states can be changed by adopting an individualized approach. It should be oriented towards the clarification of the needs of everyone, the explanation of available online options, and direct methods of communicating with the citizens unwilling to be active. In this way, the suggested solutions will efficiently eliminate the risks linked to the inconvenience of practices and personal characteristics of voters.


Sebold, K. (2020). With low turnout, candidates look to Arkansas more for big donors than Super Tuesday voters. Brookings.

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DemoEssays. (2022, September 13). Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas.

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"Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas." DemoEssays, 13 Sept. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas'. 13 September.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas." September 13, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas." September 13, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Issues of Voter Turnout in Arkansas." September 13, 2022.