Creating an Ideal State

The selected country experiences hard times because of the prolonged period of dictatorship and multiple cases of power abuse. The devastation in all spheres of social life preconditioned the need for change. The country is located in the Middle Eastern region, which introduces specific geopolitical and cultural factors that should be considered when designing a new system of power distribution and governing.

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The offered paper includes the part devoted to domestic concerns, such as governing style, public good programs, economic structure, and creation of the national unity; and the section describing the foreign affairs such as the cooperation with international organizations, ways to combat terrorism, and guarantee security to all citizens. At the end of the paper, the conclusion is provided.

Domestic Concerns

Because of the previous history of dictatorship and totalitarianism, socialism should be taken as the model for the creation of a new country. Its basic principles presuppose citizens’ ownership of the primary means of production, equal distribution of resources, and people’s involvement in problem-solving activities (Piromalli, 2019). The current needs of all individuals should serve as a source of power as a leader should perform actions to improve their quality of life and protect them from various threats. The government will have three branches: executive, headed by the President, legislative, represented by the Parliament, and judicial (Supreme Court) (Roskin, Cord, Medeiros, & Jones, 2013). During the first five years after the previous ruler’s designation, the President should possess extraordinary powers to introduce policies demanded to shift from a totalitarian society to a socialistic one. The Parliament possesses the authority to create laws that should be approved by the President. As for the judicial branch, it holds responsibility for solving conflicts between citizens and governmental bodies by using relevant laws. The President should also be responsible for military operations, struggling against terrorism, protecting people, and economic growth. However, his power should be limited by the Supreme Court to prevent the abuse of power.

The restoration of the country can be started with the introduction of two critical public good programs aimed at guaranteeing all citizens access to health care and basic education. Both incentives should be financed by using national funds acquired due to the shift to a socialistic form of government. The equal distribution of funds means their use to support people and meet their needs (Piromalli, 2019). For this reason, education and healthcare should be provided for citizens for free because of taxes paid by them.

To support the programs mentioned above, the socialist planned economy with the opportunity to switch to a market socialist should be chosen. It will guarantee that funds will be distributed proportionally to produce the goods critical at the moment and vital for the improvement of people’s lives (O’Shea, 2019). After the first restoration period, market socialism can be employed to provide multiple opportunities for citizens to engage in various activities and contribute to the evolution of the state.

Finally, it is essential to create national unity by cultivating the national culture and emphasizing the importance of cooperation between all citizens by using media and educational establishments. The history of the nation and its unique customs can serve as the basis for the creation of an idea that can help to move forward.

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Foreign Concerns

Participation in the global discourse is fundamental for any state in the modern world. For this reason, it is demanded to join international organizations to benefit from participation. Two possible options include the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.

WTO is an intergovernmental organization that functions to regulate the global trade and financial relations between nations. It helps to improve commodity circulation and provides various states with an opportunity to sell their goods in different areas and markets (“The WTO,” n.d.).

UN is one of the most influential global organizations as it includes almost all nations and tries to maintain peace and security across the globe (“About the UN,” n.d.). It was founded after WWII as an authority needed to avoid new global conflicts and resolve oppositions in legal ways by using negotiations and compromise.

The cooperation with the given organizations guarantees several benefits. First, being a member of WTO, the state will acquire new markets and will be able to sell its goods to improve its economy and provide people with better living conditions (Roskin et al., 2013). Second, UN members can ask for assistance in case of military threats and use the help of other states (Roskin et al., 2013). For this reason, it is vital to adapt the economy and the government structure to file an application and enjoy the membership along with new options for growth.

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Another relevant problem is the terrorist threat from neighboring countries. The first way to solve it presupposes the creation of a powerful and effective army that will be able to guarantee security to its citizens. The second approach assumes cooperation with leading states such as Russia and the USA in their attempts to struggle with global terrorism. These will be a useful measure because of the combined effort, rich experience of outlined countries, and the presence of military forces to prevent any acts of violence.


In such a way, the switch to socialism, the creation of education and healthcare programs, and a planned economy can help to solve some domestic problems. At the same time, cooperation with the WTO and UN, along with the creation of a powerful army, will contribute to the resolution of some foreign issues and improvement of the state’s position at the international level.


About the UN. (n.d.). Web.

O’Shea, T. (2019). Socialist Republicanism. Political Theory.

Piromalli, E. (2019). Socialism through convergence, or: Why a socialist society does not need to be a fraternal community. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 45(6), 665–672.

Roskin, M., Cord, R., Medeiros, J., & Jones, W. (2013). Political science: An introduction (13th ed.) New York, NY: Pearson.

The WTO. (n.d.). Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, February 17). Creating an Ideal State.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "Creating an Ideal State." February 17, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Creating an Ideal State." February 17, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Creating an Ideal State." February 17, 2022.