China-United States International Relations


International relations are a combination of economic, political, legal, ideological, diplomatic, military, cultural, and other connections and relationships between actors operating on the world stage. Independent states do not develop in a vacuum; they interact with each other and act as the subjects of higher-level politics, meaning world policy. China-U.S. relations are one of the most crucial pairs of interstate affairs of the modern world. The maintenance of a steadily advancing relationship between China and the United States is a vital concern not only for the two countries’ mutual interests. It is essential for the entire world and the peace, stability, and development of the planet. Therefore, recommendations should be provided to the U.S. administration about expanding this relationship.

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Recommendations for the Development of U.S.-Chinese Relations

Recently, U.S. research structures have intensified work in this direction. They have prepared a number of fundamental documents that forecast how relations between the two nations may progress in the future. In their predictions, American experts proceed from the fact that China is one of the most dynamic emerging powers in the world; annual growth of gross national product (GNP) of more than 9% (Crilley, 2018). If it maintains its current rate of growth, it is capable of competing with the United States on the major economic indicators by the middle of this century. Hence, the cooperation theory in international business should be applied because cooperation is mutually advantageous if the party also benefits and altruistic if it incurs a net loss of reproductive success.

In the case of China, for the United States, the promotion of economic relations will profit both sides. It is essential to strengthening such forms of international economic cooperation as foreign trade, capital exports, scientific and technological cooperation, compensation deals, and credit and monetary affairs (Crilley, 2018). Based on previous knowledge, I can argue that such economic cooperation will have a positive effect not only on state-owned enterprises but also on the private sector. Consequently, it is imperative to negotiate with the Chinese government in order to sign long-term agreements on preferences during trade between the states.

At the same time, in order to continue establishing amicable relations between the countries, it is required to stimulate the growth of international tourism. Thus, representatives of the relevant departments of the two states should negotiate to facilitate the crossing of borders for individuals. Such actions will contribute to disseminating information about the culture and customs of the partner states (Lawrence et al., 2021). I believe that this recommendation needs to be implemented in the first instance because I recently traveled to China in Peking. It provided me with an appreciation of the Chinese people’s willingness to cooperate with the United States of America citizens. At the same time, it would be more convenient for the future of the relationship if the entrance rules for Chinese tourists were to be simplified on a mutual basis. Accordingly, it would attract more tourists to the United States, which would significantly benefit the national budget.

It is remarkable that international relations with China need to be built with their high population and technological advances in mind. At the same time, one should consider the classical theory of trade, which describes the importance of the value of labor (De Graaff & Van Apeldoorn, 2018). That is, both states must employ specialists from abroad who have the required competence. Accordingly, the governments of the countries should agree on the possibility of facilitating the employment of their citizens.

This will promote the exchange of experience and valuable workers’ qualifications between the countries. Trade goods and services on a mutual and national foundation should also be encouraged. U.S. trade in goods and services with China was estimated at $615.2 billion in 2020. Exports were $164.9 billion; imports were $450.4 billion (Lawrence et al., 2021). Hence, intensifying cooperation in this area will enhance the economy and prosperity of the two states. Two developed countries have to support the construction of incredibly significant facilities from a strategic point of view. That is, it is imperative to advance common technologies that can improve the ecological situation in the world. Thus, agreements should be negotiated and signed to facilitate joint financing and attract the most professional workers to design projects.

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Although the United States must consider that the Communist Party of China, fearing to lose its monopoly on power in the event of political liberalization. It has constructed in the country a super-sophisticated network of total government electronic surveillance and a highly elaborate system of Internet censorship to detect and suppress any unauthorized criticism. Accordingly, in response to the violation of people’s rights and the undermining of the international rule of law, the Foreign Ministry should pivot to China to explain such behavior (De Graaff & Van Apeldoorn, 2018).Thus, the U.S., as a democratic state, needs to initiate negotiations on restrictions or sanctions to prevent human rights violations. Accordingly, if the two states have an established relationship and a connected economy, the U.S. will be capable of influencing the restoration of the rights and freedoms of Chinese citizens.


The U.S. policy proposal for cooperation with China is consistent and maintains high sustainability. It is crucial that China-U.S. relations, freedom from confrontation and antagonism, continue to develop in a spirit of mutual respect and beneficial cooperation. The advancement of international bilateral ties is advantageous to both states economically and politically. Although, if China violates the guarantees of human rights and individual freedoms in its territory, the United States should negotiate and, if they fail, impose sanctions.


Crilley, R. (2018). International relations in the age of “post-truth” politics. International Affairs, 94(2), 417-425.

De Graaff, N., & Van Apeldoorn, B. (2018). US–China relations and the liberal world order: Contending elites, colliding visions? International affairs, 94(1), 113-131.

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Lawrence, S. V., Lum, T., Campbell, C., Martin, M. F., Fefer, R. F., Schwarzenberg, A. B., & Leggett, J. A. (2021). US-China relations. Current Politics and Economics of Northern and Western Asia, 30(1), 1-86.

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DemoEssays. "China-United States International Relations." January 4, 2023.