Army Values and Recommended Adaptation Approach

Army values are critical in developing a progressive and disciplined force of soldiers. Security officers protecting a country from external attacks are considered important for improving social peace and economic prosperity. Consequently, ethical values and morals are objective in maintaining an environment of respect and trust among individuals (Walker, 2020). Military officers encounter legal challenges for acting against the practices defining an army. Some soldiers are accused of brutal murders in recreational vicinities such as bars, restaurants, and shopping malls. Others are legally charged for engaging in sexual harassment against their partners. Nevertheless, this analysis acknowledges the concept of morality in improving social relationships among military professionals. Social initiatives are instrumental for improving values of ethics and discipline as a part of the military culture for upholding trust between colleagues. The SHARP Program is essential for instilling positive army values of dignity and respect against sexual harassment among military colleagues and civilians.

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Ideally, professionals working in martial facilities are strategically deployed in war zones. Confrontations between armies can result in a high number of casualties among soldiers and civilians. It is vital to adopt army values that depict human respect while army officers are on duty or leave. This analysis notes that applying and integrating ethical principles requires objective social initiatives involving different stakeholders (Bennett, 2018). For instance, the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE) implements collaborative programs aimed at improving the relationship between the civilian army and public members. Senior officials within the military force ensure accurate adaptation to army values by training staff members intensely, both practically and theoretically. New officers require training for integrating morals which develops a culture of trust among colleagues (Walker, 2020). Learning officers are trained to establish and develop a sustainable environment of positive interactions. Social programs play a significant role in reducing instances of personal conflicts and sexual harassment among officers. Army values ensure unity, collaboration, and belief required for a successful and disciplined force.

Moreover, the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program is instrumental in integrating morals and ethics among military professionals. In essence, the initiative is intended to mitigate the instances of sexual harassment and assaults in residential facilities. The program acknowledges the existence of exploitation by senior officials against their juniors. Women soldiers experience different sexual atrocities while working for security officers. For instance, female victims complain of negative sexual advances from their colleagues. Similarly, the SHARP program is intended to reduce complains concerning sexual harassment among newly recruited male officers (Skopp et al., 2020). This social initiative is facilitated by the Center for Initial Military Training, which trains all officers on vital humanity values. It includes information awareness on how army officials should create a conducive environment of human dignity and respect. Integrating ethical values among trainees entails the successful adoption of virtues and personal attributes which determine social relationships between male and female soldiers.

Most importantly, the Army SHARP Program aims at ensuring the complete elimination of sexual assault against any individual. As a result, the initiative intends to prevent instances of harassment before occurring (Skopp et al., 2020). It can be achieved through cultural change in perception regarding human respect and dignity. In essence, the concept of human integrity is advanced among military officers to ensure accurate and proactive military response to immorality. However, some soldiers engage in immorality, including harassment of junior colleagues. It is critical for disciplined forces to remain united and in complete trust and belief in each other. Army values are objective in highlighting the successful tactics of confronting enemies in battlefields. It is through the SHARP program, nonetheless, the participants learn the essence of enhancing positive social relationships with colleagues. The interactions would help maintain morals which support ethical values (Walker, 2020). Responsive frameworks of reporting such cases aid prevention of sexual harassment among the military officers.

Consequently, the initiative employs strategic measures intended to reduce the rates of sexual assault cases among soldiers. Social platforms supporting anonymous exchange of information on sexual assault have aided the SHARP Program to achieve transformative change among targeted officers (Skopp et al., 2020). For instance, potential victims are allowed to report an attempt of harassment anonymously by adopting digital technologies. Hiding the identity of individuals making the claims is critical in instilling confidence among newly recruited officers. Additionally, the program introduces cultural change entailing the transformation of army values. Professionals in this sector are characterized by extreme levels of strictness and seriousness required for combat. As a result, human values such as trust and confidence in each other deteriorate when internal wrangles are reported. The culture of army values fails in uniting soldiers, leading to losses in military advances (Bennett, 2018). The SHARP Program is instrumental for introducing social change intended to promote human respect and dignity in army values.

Additionally, resources for reporting and responding to unethical behavior are strategic in promoting a conducive working environment for army professionals. The SHARP Program has been critical in establishing communication frameworks for potential victims of sexual assault (Bennett, 2018). Army values advocate against colleague intimidation as it can affect the outcome of a military mission. Most importantly, reporting is modified to ensure that the potential targets do not encounter discrimination. Most importantly, the SHARP Program facilitates response resources intended to counter and discipline the threats and instances of sexual harassment (Skopp et al., 2020). The initiative is objective in adopting digital technologies for ensuring timely reaction to the mentioned cases. Essentially, the resources can save human dignity and instill respect among army officers with ill-intentions on colleagues. Information on reporting and response resources is tactically relevant and accurate for implementing cultural values of human respect and dignity to the traditional military force. Upholding values of human respect and dignity in a traditional military force would require information resources for accurate and relevant reporting of cases entailing sexual harassment.

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In conclusion, army values are essential in developing a strong and moral military troops. The benefits of a united security force are imminently evidenced in battlefield success against opponents. Army values are a part of the social existence of the individuals engaged in large-scale wars evidenced in different global regions. However, immorality has created enmity between the soldiers and public members. This analysis highlights that the SHARP Program is useful in enhancing ethics among soldiers. The initiative is intended to counter the sexual harassment by communicating significant human values. Essentially, this analysis acknowledges that morals are instrumental in developing strong communities of army officers. As a result, report and response resources are integrated to ensure that perpetrators of sexual assault are arrested before the actual crime occurs. Ensuring human respect and dignity is paramount in encouraging the public to consider pursuing a career in the military.


Bennett, J. (2018). Combating sexual assault with the military ethic: Exploring culture, military institutions, and norms-based preventive policy. Armed Forces & Society, 44(4), 707-730. Web.

Skopp, N. A., Roggenkamp, H., Hoyt, T. V., Major, H. M., & Williams, T. J. (2020). Army sexual harassment/sexual assault response & prevention program (SHARP) tiger team: A model to inform prevention. Military Behavioral Health, 8(1), 64-73.

Walker, D. I. (2020). Character and ethical judgment among junior army officers. The Journal of Character & Leadership Development, 7(2), 49-58.

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DemoEssays. "Army Values and Recommended Adaptation Approach." December 22, 2022.